Products & Service

Product Description

An integral part of the Swing Arm System is the Swing Arm Bushing. This component consists of an outer sleeve and inner bar, with rubber vulcanized to the inner bar and transfers brake and traction force in the longitudinal direction. This force transfer provides the vehicle lateral and longitudinal stiffness to make the vehicle more stable when traveling at high speeds and while turning.



TMT has the ability to design different sizes for different applications of the product. When designing the rubber, we can develop a bushing that has a large stiffness variation rate between the longitudinal and lateral direction. Therefore, one stiffness direction can be very stiff while the other direction can be very soft.

Our newly developed Hydraulic Swing Arm Bushing provides high longitudinal stiffness to ensure smooth operation at high speed and low longitudinal stiffness for operation in curves in order to reduce the wear and tear of the wheel.  


Click here to download the swing arm bushing catalogue.

Click here to download the elastic bushing catalogue.