
[新华社英文特稿] China's Zhuzhou -- from cradle of Chinese locomotives to world-class rail innovation hub

来源: 2018-06-06

Xinhua Headlines: China's Zhuzhou -- from cradle of Chinese locomotives to world-class rail in innovation hub

[新华社] 中国株洲——从中国电力机车摇篮到世界级轨道创新中心

BEIJING, June 4(Xinhua) -- It was freezing cold in early spring in Astana, Kazakhstan, where the temperature had plummeted to minus 20 degrees Celsius.新华社北京64——初春的哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳,寒风刺骨,气温骤降至零下20摄氏度。

In a shabby workshop,Long Guzong and his co-workers were working away in heavy clothing that made their movements astronaut-like.在简陋的车间里,龙古宗(音译)和他的同事们正穿着宇航员一样笨重的工作服在工作。

"The biting coldness was impressive; we solved the  problem that had frustrated many experts at the time," Long told Xinhua recently, 11 years after that assignment.“当时刺骨的寒冷让人印象深刻;不过我们最终还是解决了令许多专家都很棘手的问题。任务完成11年后,龙古宗回忆着告诉记者。

Dedicated to making people's lives easier and better, Long and his co-workers are among tens of thousands of Chinese innovators who are contributing to the country's innovation-driven development.让出行更快捷方便,龙古宗和他的同事是千千万万为中国创新驱动发展做出贡献的创造人员之一。

China's coastalcities can be considered the country's "locomotives" in its development, among them the city of Shenzhen.However, over the past 40 years of reform and opening-up, the middle and western parts of the country have been gradually catching up with the eastern area. The city of Zhuzhou that produced China's first locomotive is a classic example.中国的沿海城市被认为是带动国家发展的火车头,其中之一就是深圳。然而,经过40多年的改革开放,中西部地区正逐渐追赶东部。中国第一辆电力机车的诞生城市——株洲,就是一个典型的例子。 



Zhuzhou, a small city in central Hunan province, is turning from a traditional industrial base into a Chinese innovation hub, where high-tech corporations, start-ups and innovators gather.株洲,一个位于湖南省中部的小城,正从传统工业基地转变为中国的创新中心,高科技企业、新型产业和大批创新者在此云集。

The metamorphosis started with the rapid development of China's rail transit. 转变始于快速发展的中国轨道交通。

Liu Youmei, 80, who worked in the train manufacturing industry for almost six decades, has witnessed the innovation-driven development with Chinese characteristics in China's rail transit history.80岁的刘友梅从事火车制造业已近60年,他见证了中国轨道交通发展史上颇具中国特色的创新驱动发展。

"There was no busor other public transportation linking Zhuzhou railway station and our factory when I arrived at Zhuzhou 57 years ago. On the first day of our arrival, my classmates and I had to walk to the factory and return with a borrowed tricycle with a flat cart to transport our luggage," he said.“57年前我刚来株洲的时候,从株洲火车站到株机厂没有任何公共汽车或其他交通工具。我们到的第一天,我和我的同学们借了一辆三轮车和一辆平板车拖着行李一路走了回去。刘友梅回忆到。

In 1961, Liu and some 20 graduates from Shanghai Jiao Tong University were assigned to work in a locomotive factory in Zhuzhou, which was established to repair locomotives imported from the West, where steam locomotives had been used for a century.1961年,刘友梅和来自上海交通大学的20名毕业生一起,被分配到株洲的电力机车厂。那时该厂主要修理从西方进口的火车——一种在西方已经使用了一个世纪的蒸汽机车。

To bridge the 100-yeargap, Liu and his co-workers worked night after day, and independently designed Shaoshan series electric locomotives, which was the dawn of electrification in China's railway industry.为了缩小百年差距,刘友梅和同事夜以继日地工作,独立设计了韶山系列电力机车,这是中国铁路电气化的曙光。

The veteran engineer,who has been honored by the Chinese Academy of Engineering for his contributions to railway development, said that China must master core technologies in key fields.刘友梅,这位资深工程师,由于他对中国铁路的发展做出了巨大贡献,因而受到中国工程院的表彰。他说,中国必须掌握关键领域的核心技术。

"In 1998, we wanted to introduce the DC traction motor train, but developed countries refused our purchasing request, as well as the introduction of supercapacitors," Liu said.1998年,我们想引进直流牵引电机,但是被发达国家拒绝了。他们同时拒绝的还有我们引进超级电容器的请求。刘友梅说。

"At that time, we were forced to do research and development independently, and finally broke technological bottle necks and manufactured DC traction motors and super capacitors with full intellectual rights; the latter even beat the U.S.industrial leader," he said.“当时,我们被迫独立搞研发,并最终打破技术壁垒,生产出具有充分知识产权的直流牵引电机和超级电容;后者可以媲美美国的工业产品。

Moreover, the city's general aviation and automobile industries have made names for themselves andits innovation park is attracting industries like electronic information, new energy, bio-medicine, as well as environmental protection, among others.此外,株洲市落户通用航空和汽车工业,其创新园区正在吸引电子信息、新能源、生物医药以及环境保护等新型行业。 



In a globalized world,cross-border technological cooperation and exchange have become an irreversibletrend. The small inland city keeps an open mind and is eager to embrace a new world.全球化的浪潮中,跨国技术合作与交流已成为不可逆转的趋势。株洲这个内陆城市始终保持开放的心态,不断拥抱新世界。

"Science and technology are the wealth of all mankind," said Liu." Learning is different from plagiarism and learning from others is necessary."“科技是全人类的财富。刘友梅说,学习非剽窃,向他人学习是十分必要的。

Even CRRC ZhuzhouLocomotive Co., Ltd., the industrial leader on the world stage, does not exclude international exchanges. From 2003 to 2004, 75 staff members went to Europe to learn welding, painting, assembling and other technologies.即便作为世界工业舞台上的领航者,中车株机公司也从不排斥国际交流。2003年至2004年,公司先后派出75名员工赴欧洲学习焊接、喷漆、组装等技术。

Fan Yunxin, vice chief engineer of the company, said "We must depend on ourselves, and meanwhile stay open-minded to learn from others' more advanced technology."樊运新,中车株机公司副总工程师,他认为:“我们必须依靠自己,同时保持开放的心态,不断学习更先进的技术。

In the early years of China's reform and opening-up, Zhuzhou Cemented Carbide Group Co., Ltd.introduced a metal-cutting tool production line, which "helped the company catch up with the industry leaders in the shortest period of time," said Zhang Weibing, director of the group's research and development center.中国改革开放的初期,株洲硬质合金集团有限公司引进了金属切削工具生产线,它帮助公司在最短的时间内赶上业内水平,集团研发中心主任张伟兵(音译)说。

After years of adapting foreign technologies and independent innovation, the company nowboasts several world-leading technologies, and its products have been used in China's Shenzhou spacecrafts, said Xu Shangzhi, chief technology officer with Zhuzhou Cemented Carbide Group.株洲硬质合金集团首席技术官许尚志(音译)表示,对国外技术的不断适应和自主创新,公司现已拥有数项世界领先的技术,产品已在中国神州太空飞船中使用。

"All technological introductions are based on a country's existing scientific and technological strength," the academician said. "The introduction of technology only inspires us, we still need our own innovation capability in the long run."所有的技术引进都是基于国家现有的科技实力,院士说,技术的引进只作启发之用,从长远来看,我们仍然需要我们自己的创新能力。

Zhou Qinghe, president of CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd., said "If there is no innovationafter technological introduction, we will fall into a vicious cycle, where introduction brings us advanced technology and saves us from long-term researchand development, which also leads to heavy reliance on others."中车株机公司董事长周清和说:“如果技术引进后没有创新,我们就会陷入只能引进不会研发的恶性循环中,并且严重依赖他人。



China's high-quality innovative development has helped change people's lives around the world.中国高质量的创新发展,改变了世界人民的生活。

In India, Amit Mak is now used totaking the metro train to avoid traffic jams. 在印度,为避免交通堵塞,Amit Mak现在已经习惯乘坐地铁。

"Not only the quality of the rolling stock, but the inside is comfortable. It provides all kinds of comfort as well as convenience and a cool atmosphere," he said.“不仅车辆的质量高,内部装饰也很舒适,可以提供舒适便捷清爽的环境。”Amit Mak说。

Dilip Jadeja, vice president of IL&FS Rail Ltd. inIndia, said "A metro line also brings in development along the metro corridor, with office and business complexes, shopping malls and housing complexes coming up, which in return facilitate people's life."印度IL&FS铁路有限公司副总裁Dilip Jadeja:“地铁线路也带动了地铁沿线地区的发展,这里集写字楼和商业区、购物中心和住宅区于一体,极大改善了人们的生活。

Working at the assembly workshop in the rolling stock center of Chinese rail transit equipment manufacturer CRRC, Vijayakumar Sundar, 40, occasionally recalls when he was a child and used blocks to build trains.40岁的VijayakumarSundar在中国轨道交通制造商中国中车(CRRC)从事车辆组装工作。他偶尔会回忆起孩提时用积木搭火车的场景。

However, as a child,he never thought of realizing his "train dream" in a Chinese enterprise. 然而,那时的他,从未想过会在中国的企业实现他的火车梦

"I participated in a three-month training in China, and accumulated skills and managing experience in my work," said Sundar, who was among the first batch of local employees and was later promoted to the position of a workshop director.“我在中国参加了为期三个月的培训,在实际工作中不断积累技能和管理经验,” Sundar作为首批本地化员工之一,后来被提升为车间主任。

With a "goglobal" strategy, enterprises based in Zhuzhou successfully entered overseas markets and applied innovative measures, including localization, joint ventures and cultural recognition.株洲企业实施走出去策略,采取本地化策略、合资、文化认同等创新措施成功进入海外市场。

With win-win cooperation, China has not only achieved sustainable growth for itself, but also driven the world economy forward, creating jobs and cultivating talents for other countries.以合作共赢为目标,中国不仅实现了自身的可持续发展,而且推动了世界经济的发展,为世界各国创造就业机会和培养人才。

Different from some countries,China is open to technological transfer to help other countries' development.Muhammad Shoaib from Pakistan,27, is one of the nine foreign workers in Zhuzhou Locomotive Co., Ltd. who has come to China to learn, along with others from his home country as well as Germany and Australia.与一些国家不同,中国对技术转让持开放态度,以帮助其他国家的发展。27岁的巴基斯坦人Muhammad Shoaib是中车株机公司株洲本部的九名外国员工之一,和其他来自巴基斯坦、德国和澳大利亚的员工一起来到中国工作学习。

"Pakistan's first metro train railway was constructed by China. I still remember the jubilant crowd on the delivery day, with men and women, the elderly and children taking photos with the train," Shoaib said. “巴基斯坦的首列地铁由中国修建。我仍然记得交付那天,男女老少都在兴高采烈的跟列车合影。

After years of studying and working inChina,Shoaib has become a China hand. He said he has fallen in love with a girl in Pakistan, and plans to take her to Zhuzhou after marriage.在中国多年的学习和工作经历,Shoaib已经成为中国通。他说他爱上了巴基斯坦的一个女孩,打算婚后带她去中国株洲。


by Xinhua Writer Zhu Junqing, Ouyang Wei 新华社记者 朱俊清 欧阳为

翻译 何丽丽 校对 潘皝)