Pantograph CED180

来源: 2016-07-01

This pantograph is innovated based on imported technology after digesting and absorbing. Localization of parts reached 75%. It is widely used in 2005 MOR technical modification of six main lines. It’s the most appropriate replacement for current operational locomotives, and plays important role in improving overall locomotive current collecting characteristics and net line safety.

Technical date:  
Name:Pantograph CED180 Model:CED180
Designed for a speed of: 180km/h
Power transmission (standard): 25 kV/1000 A
Static Contact Force: 70 N, adjustable
Aerodynamic increase in contact force: by wind deflector profilers(if necessary)
Actuating equipment: .pneumatic bellow drive
Air supply: 4 to 10 bar
Nominal pressure at 70 N contact pressure: approx. 3.5 bar
Suspension stroke of pantograph head (pan, slipper holder): 60 mm (vertical)Weight:approx.120 kg (excl. insulators)